
How to validate HMAC digest in python

I need to validate the digest of data send with HMAC.

I have been stuck on this for a couple of days now, I cannot match the digest in python, here is my code:

import hmac
import hashlib
import json

# i will receive, a webhook that looks like this
payload = {
        "applicantId" : "64899a9e52e16960a43a2d8c",
        "inspectionId" : "64899a9e52e16960a43a2d8d",
        "applicantType" : "individual",
        "correlationId" : "9e732c5f814e27b766d20a85d23d169c",
        "levelName" : "basic-kyc-level",
        "sandboxMode" : true,
        "externalUserId" : "uOev8DYqbH",
        "type" : "applicantCreated",
        "reviewStatus" : "init",
        "createdAt" : "2024-04-17 06:57:33+0000",
        "createdAtMs" : "2024-04-17 06:57:33.165",
        "clientId" : "uab_first_digital_trade_europe"

plain_text_payload = ','.join(f"{k}:{str(v).lower()}" if isinstance(v, bool) else f"{k}:{v}" for k, v in payload.items())

encoded_payload = plain_text_payload.encode('utf-8')

secret_key = 'TZUQlLdW-E5VM7nbcByTbyQx9G_'
encoded_secret = secret_key.encode('utf-8')
computed_signature =, encoded_payload, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

print("Computed HMAC signature:", computed_signature)

# This is the siguature Im expecting
signature = "84ea2fd80f8972554a2f7c1d7e97823abff09a32bd9af3865251f696fe0f31af"

if computed_signature == signature:
    print("Signatures match.")
    print("Signatures do not match.")

Now, the above doesnt work, because "true" is lowercase. I tried making it True as bool, and then converting it as text back to lowercase but nothing, if i put quotes around it, still not matching.

However, i managed to the the signature expected with the following tools:

For the following, update the secret adding "_" at the end of it, for some reason Stack Overflow sanitises it

Can anyone help me understand how to get this to work?

Thank you


I have tried doing this on the json payload directly with:

def validate_webhook():
    # Map the header to the appropriate hash function name
    algo_map = {
        'HMAC_SHA1_HEX': hashlib.sha1,
        'HMAC_SHA256_HEX': hashlib.sha256,
        'HMAC_SHA512_HEX': hashlib.sha512,

    # Get the algorithm from the request header
    algo_name = request.headers.get('X-Payload-Digest-Alg')
    if algo_name not in algo_map:
        log_message(f"Unsupported algorithm: {algo_name}", "ALERT", run_id=g.run_id)
        raise RuntimeError('Unsupported algorithm')

    # Get the hash function based on the algorithm
    hash_func = algo_map[algo_name]

    secret_key = 'TZUQlLdW-E5VM7nbcByTbyQx9G_'

    # Calculate the HMAC for the content
    content = request.get_data()  # Gets the raw data as bytes
    computed_signature =, content, hash_func).hexdigest()

    # Get the signature sent in the request headers
    signature = request.headers.get('X-Signature')

    # Check if the computed signature matches the one in the header
    if computed_signature != signature:
        log_message(f"Webhook sumsub sign {content}", "ALERT", run_id=g.run_id)
        raise Exception('Webhook sumsub sign validation failed')

    # Return some response or handle the valid request further
    log_message(content.decode('utf-8'), "INFO", run_id=g.run_id, data=content.decode('utf-8') )
    return True

And I have also tried to do it converting the payload as text with:

def validate_webhook():
    # Map the header to the appropriate hash function name
    algo_map = {
        'HMAC_SHA1_HEX': hashlib.sha1,
        'HMAC_SHA256_HEX': hashlib.sha256,
        'HMAC_SHA512_HEX': hashlib.sha512,

    # Get the algorithm from the request header
    algo_name = request.headers.get('X-Payload-Digest-Alg')
    if algo_name not in algo_map:
        log_message(f"Unsupported algorithm: {algo_name}", "ALERT", run_id=g.run_id)
        raise RuntimeError('Unsupported algorithm')

    # Get the hash function based on the algorithm
    hash_func = algo_map[algo_name]

    secret_key = 'TZUQlLdW-E5VM7nbcByTbyQx9G_'

    # Calculate the HMAC for the content
    content = request.get_data(as_text=True)  # Gets the data as a text string
    # Explicitly encode the content to UTF-8 before computing HMAC
    encoded_content = content.encode('utf-8')
    computed_signature =, encoded_content, hash_func).hexdigest()

    # Get the signature sent in the request headers
    signature = request.headers.get('X-Signature')

    # Check if the computed signature matches the one in the header
    if computed_signature != signature:

        log_message(f"Webhook sumsub sign {content}", "ALERT", run_id=g.run_id)
        raise Exception('Webhook sumsub sign validation failed')

    # exit if the signature is valid
    log_message(content, "INFO", run_id=g.run_id, data=content )
    return True


This is the payload i receive:

b'{\n  "applicantId" : "6616c4f80cc65e2a1fe1419d",\n  "inspectionId" : "6616c4f80cc65e2a1fe1419e",\n  "applicantType" : "individual",\n  "correlationId" : "7a3450416467276914de43eb75b5916a",\n  "sandboxMode" : true,\n  "externalUserId" : "level-2ce713de-679a-453e-9719-2464082633c5",\n  "type" : "applicantCreated",\n  "reviewStatus" : "init",\n  "createdAt" : "2024-04-17 08:28:07+0000",\n  "createdAtMs" : "2024-04-17 08:28:07.745",\n  "clientId" : "uab_first_digital_trade_europe"\n}'


  • The code in your second snippet looks fine. Just make sure you are comparing the correct payload and signature -- the payload in your "Edit 2" is different from the payload in the link to the online tool, so the signatures will be different. When I run your second code snippet on the same payload as the online tool, it produces the same signature.

    If you need to continue debugging, I suggest that you (temporarily) log the relevant values:

    print("content = {!r}".format(content))
    print("expected signature = {!r}".format(signature))
    print("computed_signature = {!r}".format(computed_signature))

    That will give you a consistent set of values that you can later run tests on.

    Some additional notes: