
Flutter: Listen to audio live streamed over rtmp

I am making a audio live streaming application, i have already made the server and the app but i cant figure out how to listen to the audio stream. My stream is in the rtmp format and in video format, but i only want to listen to the audio. I have tried different packages but none of them worked

For example the stream_rtmp package gives me this error: Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method startStream on channel stream_rtmp) and i cant find any solutions for that. (it has nothing to do with video because the error comes up even when the streaming server is offline)


  • I have found an solution to do this.

    Using the flutter_vlc_player package you can create a video player and give it the size of 0 using a SizedBox

    final VlcPlayerController controller = VlcPlayerController.network(
        autoPlay: false
     void dispose() async {
         await controller.stopRendererScanning();
         await controller.dispose();
        width: 0,
        height: 0,
        child: VlcPlayer(
            controller: controller,
            aspectRatio: 16/9,
                Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()

    and then you can control the playback using controller.play() or controller.pause()