
Combine MLflow projects with docker-compose

I face the following situation:

We train our models within docker container, which is build by running a docker-compose file. I have implemented MLflow to work with docker-compose (by doing something similar to e.g. this post:, creating two more containers (one for the server and one for the postgresql backend).

However, the story doesn't end here. Our goal is to implement a full ML pipeline, which includes data creation, preprocessing steps and so on. I know, that ML projects is something which helps to create such pipeline. I have seen that it is designed to work with docker images (, but I don't get it, how one could use it with docker-compose.

Could you help me in that by giving any tipps, guidelines, documentations, etc?

Or in general, any advice, how a full machine learning pipeline could be implemented using mlflow?

Thanks a lot!


  • I would suggest training models in a conda environment and only dockerizing for deployment. That way, you can debug model code from an IDE like Pycharm.


    conda create -n env_name
    conda run -n env_name pip install requirements.txt

    Here is how I do it, though it is probably more complicated than you need:

    MLflow works with model training natively, you just need to import and call autolog.

    mlflow.set_experiment('Energy Use Forecasting')
    with mlflow.start_run(): 
        [your training code]

    Then, you would use a single command to pull down a registered model from mlflow to build it.

    mlflow models build-docker --model-uri "runs:/some-run-uuid/my-model" --name "my-image-name"
    # Serve the model
    docker run -p 5001:8080 "my-image-name"