
Pytesseract doesnt recognize plate correctly

I am using pytesseract to try to recognize car plates but it does not return the correct result.

This is my code

text = pytesseract.image_to_string(cropped_License_Plate, lang='eng', config='--psm 9')

I have tried using many different psm but the result is never correct.

My images

enter image description here

Plate QAN-5512 Pyressecat reading: DAN S512

enter image description here

Plate RWC2I30 Pytesseract reading: 'RWC213G

enter image description here

Plate RWC2I30 Pytesseract reading: FRWOZLSU

Is there a way to fix it?


  • Using Paddle OCR worked great

    Thanks @JJFord3