I am using CDK to create a Cloudfront distribution and a Lambda@Edge function to control access to it.
The problem is, the function needs permission to read a secret from the Secret Manager. It is my understanding that the function inherits the service-role of its distribution, which makes sense to me. [EDIT: I now believe that this statement might not be true. See response.]
What I don’t understand though is how to get the service-role from the distribution in order to grant it. The obviously right way to do is:
Obviously right, except that the type CloudFrontWebDistribution
does not have a grantPrincipal
I am not sure below statement is correct. Do you have any reference to prove this statement?
It is my understanding that the function inherits the service-role of its distribution, which makes sense to me.
Now, talking about the solution, you just need to do the following:
Here is the CDK code snippet in C#, that I wrote to run Angular app with SSR on Lambda@Edge. You just need to change the IAM permissions as per your need.
// 1.1 Create Lambda execution role
Role lambdaExecutionRole = new Role(this, "lambda-execution-role", new RoleProps
AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal("lambda.amazonaws.com")
// 1.2. Do not log into CloudWatch as logs might be costly
var policy = new Policy(this, "cw-deny-policy", new PolicyProps
Statements = new[] {
new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {
Effect = Effect.DENY,
Actions = new [] { "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents" },
Resources = new [] { "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*" }
// 2. Edge Function
var lambdaAtEdgeSSRFunction = new EdgeFunction(this, "ssr-lambda", new EdgeFunctionProps
MemorySize = 1024,
Timeout = Duration.Seconds(30),
Runtime = Runtime.NODEJS_18_X,
Handler = "lambda.handler",
Code = Code.FromAsset("./src/UtilityAppsCdk/DefaultArtifacts/SSREdgeLambda.zip"),
Role = lambdaExecutionRole