
How to create a filter in power BI to filter rows from a table if the particular column contains certain text?

I have a dataset containing a column called PowerPool. It contains values like EAPP, WAPP, NAPP, SAPP, CAPP (based on east, west, north, south and center). However, some rows contain values like WAPP/CAPP, SAPP/CAPP - meaning that a country in a row belongs to multiple power pools.

I want to create a filter in Power BI with EAPP, WAPP, NAPP, SAPP and CAPP as options. If I select CAPP, then all rows containing CAPP in PowerPool column (i.e., only CAPP, CAPP/EAPP, CAPP/SAPP, etc.) should be selected and filtered in the plot and table.

enter image description here

In Excel, this is pretty easy. One can simply use the filter option and type in the text. How can I implement it in Power BI dashboard?


  • I added a new dataset. The slicer will represent different combinations of power pools. e.g., Central African Power Pool will correspond to CAPP, EAPP/CAPP, SAPP/CAPP, SAPP/EAPP/CAPP, and all possible combinations. enter image description here

    And then i can add a new slicer as shown: enter image description here

    Note: To make this work, the relationship between different datasets need to be created beforehand. enter image description here