I'm trying to reference the sphinx |version|
in a monospace block (and no spaces around it) in my .rst file like this...
You can install foo_project library with:
``pip install -U foo_project==|version|``
Cross-references with |version|
outside a monospace block work just fine, but how do I make that version number show up inline with a monospaced font?
Also if I want to reference that |version|
in a string like this, how do I get |version|
interpolated? My use-case is:
As my rst code currently stands, |version|
has to have spaces around it for it to be recognized. What should I do to fix this problem?
Nested inline markup is notoriously difficult (or impossible) in reStructuredText.
You could come up with something along the lines of the following...
In Sphinx's configuration file conf.py
from foo_project.__about__ import __version__
project = "foo_project"
version = f"{__version__}"
rst_prolog = f"""
.. |code_project| replace:: ``{project}``
.. |code_version| replace:: ``{version}``
.. |pip_cmd| replace:: ``pip install -U {project}=={version}``
.. |pip_git_cmd| replace:: ``pip install git+https://github.com/foo_username/{project}.git@{version}``
And in a Sphinx reStructuredText document:
You can install the |code_project| library in its version |code_version| with one of the following commands:
* |pip_cmd|
* |pip_git_cmd|
: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#confval-rst_prolog