I am trying to create an html file using "folium" library in python, and then applying a coverage tile using "Mapillary" api, but it doesn't show up when applying this layer.
The weird thing is that on QGIS program I get this layer:
This is my code generating the html:
def create_map():
my_map = folium.Map(location=[50, 0], zoom_start=8)
vector_tile_url = "https://tiles.mapillary.com/maps/vtp/mly1_public/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=" + os.getenv(
attribution = "Map data © <a href='https://mapillary.com'>Mapillary</a> contributors"
folium.TileLayer(vector_tile_url, name="mapillary", attr=attribution, overlay=True).add_to(my_map)
print("Map with vector tiles saved as map_with_vector_tiles.html")
Seems like mapillary uses protocol buffers. So, maybe you need a VectorGridProtobuf
import os
import folium
m = folium.Map(location=[0, 0], zoom_start=2, width="80%", height="70%")
url = (
options = {
"token": os.getenv("MAPILLARY_API_KEY"),
"vectorTileLayerStyles": {
"overview": {
"fill": True,
"radius": 5,
"color": "#e87147",
"opacity": 0.6,
pbf = folium.plugins.VectorGridProtobuf(url, "mapillary", options)
pbf.__dict__["overlay"] = True # otherwise, TypeError
# m.save("map.html") # uncomment to make an html
NB: Feel free to add the styles for the two other layers of coverage tiles: sequence & image.
Output (m
, in Jupyter) :
Another view (centered at 50/0
, showing the sequences/lines):