
Svelte throws an error as soon as an api call returns with http-code 500

I know that behaviour is probably something good,but i wrote my error messages into the Json response.It looks like the following:

    "message": "There was a problem processing the input",
    "code": 500,
    "status": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
    "timestamp": "2024-04-21T00:31:17.6652992" 

my goal is to have the "message" displayed when an error occurs,but svelte interrupts everything as soon as it sees the code 500.

This is my Svelte code at the moment:

errorHeader = 'Editing User....';
errorMessage = '';
let status;

        return await fetch('http://localhost:8080/Manage-User', {
                method: 'PUT',
                body: JSON.stringify(mainBody),
                headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            }).then(response =>{console.log(response);
                 status = response.status;
                 return response.json
                }).then(result => {if(status>=200 && status<300){
                errorHeader = "Success"
        else if(status<=200 && status>300) {
            errorHeader = "An error occured while editing the user";
            errorMessage = result.message;

When trying to enter something that is wrong i get following error message in my browser console:

PUT http://localhost:8080/Manage-User 500 (Internal Server Error)
window.fetch    @   fetcher.js?v=e8991498:62
saveUser    @   +page.svelte:155

Is there any way to prevent this error or a better way of doing this?

I already tried adding ).catch(error => (...)). But this part of the code has no way of acessing the message in the response.


  • The promise returned from fetch() will only reject if the communication with the server fails, so if fetch() results in a 500 response status code, the promise will still resolve, so using .catch() won't help you in this case. However, you should use:

    And you do only handle the case status>=200 && status<300, so you can't expect anything to happen when you receive back a 500 response.