
How to drop retried events after x minutes in Firebase Functions 2nd gen

I am migrating some Firebase Functions code from 1st to 2nd gen. In my 1st gen functions I am using a shouldDropEvent helper which looks at the timestamp of the context and decides to drop the event after it has been retried for x minutes.

For 2nd gen I do not know where to find this timestamp.

Also, I would like to configure the retry behaviour, but I don't think it's possible with the current API.

The pubSendNotificationToUserToken is an abstraction I use for pubsub that keeps the topic and handler colocated in one place. Please ignore it.

import { pubSendNotificationToUserToken } from "@repo/core/notifications";
import type { EventContext } from "firebase-functions";
import functions from "firebase-functions";
import { onMessagePublished } from "firebase-functions/v2/pubsub";

const MINUTE_MS = 60 * 1000;
export const retryEventMaxAgeMs = 20 * MINUTE_MS;

export const sendNotificationToUserToken_1stGen = functions
    failurePolicy: true,
  .onPublish(async (message, context) => {
    if (shouldDropEvent(context, MINUTE_MS * 5)) {

    await pubSendNotificationToUserToken.handle(message.json);

export const sendNotificationToUserToken_2ndGen = onMessagePublished(
    topic: pubSendNotificationToUserToken.topic,
    retry: true,
  async (event) => {
    await pubSendNotificationToUserToken.handle(;

 * Check if max age has been reached. Timestamp should be in RFC 3339 format to
 * match cloud functions context event timestamp.
function shouldDropEvent(
  context: EventContext<unknown>,
  maxAgeMs = retryEventMaxAgeMs
) {
  const eventAge = - Date.parse(context.timestamp);

  if (eventAge > maxAgeMs) {
      new Error(
        `Dropping event ${context.eventType} for ${} because max age was reached.`
    return true;

  return false;


  • The onMessagePublished event handler receives a single CloudEvent typed argument which has a time attribute.

    export const sendNotificationToUserToken_2ndGen = onMessagePublished(
        topic: pubSendNotificationToUserToken.topic,
        retry: true,
      async (event) => {
        // event.time contains the time of the CloudEvent argument