
type flutter doctor get zsh: command not found: flutter in macOs

I use Sidekick to install Flutter SDK, I use the GUI to see the Cache location is


and then I open terminal

  1. open bash_profile

open -e ~/.bash_profile

  1. enter the path into bash_profile and save it

export PATH=/Users/motogod19/fvm/versions/3.12.0


source ~/.bash_profile


flutter doctor

Finally I get zsh: command not found: flutter

What step is wrong ?

Is my path is not corrrect ?


  • You are getting error because your path flutter sdk path is wrong. You have to add bin folder also. Like this.

    export PATH=/Users/motogod19/fvm/versions/3.12.0/bin

    After that run this commands.

    source ~/.bash_profile
    flutter doctor