I have a executed an sql query that i want to transform it into a json
$QueryResult_uce = Execute-SqlQuery -Server $SQLServer -Database $SQLDBName -UseWindowsAuthentication $True -Username $Username -Password $Password -Query $query_uce;
$QueryResult_uce | Format-Table;
and i want to build a json using the data extracted from DB using a group by Here is my table data from console :
i want to build a json like this :
"date": "20240329",
"indicatorGroupNames": [
"Climate Alignment Scenario"
"positions": [
"portfolioCode": "6009",
"positionId": 1,
"instrumentId": 3270089,
"weight": 0.00818749252267209
} ,{
"portfolioCode": "6009",
"positionId": 1,
"instrumentId": 4027,
"weight": 0.01818749252267209
"globalValuation": 9704981607.00212,
"portfolioCode": corrspond to positions_portfolioCode,
"positionId": corrspond to positions_positionID,
"instrumentId": corrspond to positions_instrumentId,
"weight": corrspond to positions_weight
should be grouped into a group called positions.
i tried
($QueryResult_uce | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty ItemArray, Table, RowError, RowState, HasErrors ) | ConvertTo-Json
that build a json but not grouped and when i add
($QueryResult_uce | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty ItemArray, Table, RowError, RowState, HasErrors ) | Group-Object positions_portfolioCode | ForEach{@{$_.Name = $_.Group.Type}} | ConvertTo-Json
it is really giving me a bad result, thnx in advance.
$GroupedResults = $QueryResult_uce |
Group-Object -Property date, indicatorGroupNames, globalValuation |
ForEach-Object {
Date = $_.Group.Date | Select-Object -Unique
indicatorGroupNames = , ($_.Group.indicatorGroupNames | Select-Object -Unique )
positions = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()
globalValuation = $_.Group.globalValuation | Select-Object -Unique
$GroupedResults | ForEach-Object {
$Group = $_
$QueryResult_uce |
Where-Object {
$_.date -eq $Group.date -and
$_.indicatorGroupNames -in $Group.indicatorGroupNames -and
$_.globalValuation -eq $Group.globalValuation } |
ForEach-Object {
portfolioCode = $_.positions_portfolioCode
positionId = $_.positions_positionID
instrumentId = $_.positions_instrumentId
weight = $_.positions_weight
$GroupedResults | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100
$JsonObj = $QueryResult_uce | ForEach-Object {
Date = $_.Date
indicatorGroupNames = , 'Climate Alignment Scenario'
positions = , [pscustomobject]@{
portfolioCode = $_.positions_portfolioCode
positionId = $_.positions_positionID
instrumentId = $_.positions_instrumentId
weight = $_.positions_weight
globalValuation = $_.globalValuation
$JsonObj | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100