
How to set keymaps to ctrl+w in LunarVim

Why ?

I come from windows (specifically pycharm) and am really used to


to delete whole words, Now i am switching to mac and neovim and am finding it really hard not having that.

The question

I found that there is a replacement to this, namely


and i want to set it to


is there any way to do this?

Sorry if this question has been already asked i could not find any solutions anywhere (also i am pretty new to Neovim) Any feedback is appreciated


  • There is already a built in shortcut in vim to delete a whole word. The motion is "diw". d(elete) -> i(n) -> w(ord) If you are just getting started with vim, I would highly recommend this playlist by theprimagen If you must use that shorcut, here is how you could remap it in your nvim config

    vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'v' }, '<C-BS>', 'diw', { silent = true, desc = "deletes the word that the cursor is on" })
    vim.keymap.set({ 'i }, '<C-BS>', '<C-W>', { silent = true, desc = "deletes the previous word in insert mode" })

    I will add that the google search "ctrl backspace shortcut nvim" paired with "how to remap keys in neovim" would have gotten you the answer.