
How to allow public access for an application on google cloud workstation

I have a web application running on google cloud workstation and I am able to access the application after running my dev server. But I want to be able to receive webhook events coming into my application. Unfortunately, the workstation requires authentication so using webhooks does not work. How can I enable public access to the hosted application? I really need to test the application with the webhook and receive events.

At the moment, the only option to allow users access the workstation is to add the users to the workstation. This allows an authenticated user using a google workspace account to access the workstation but otherwise, I am not able to open up the workstation.

I expect that it should be possible to open up the workstation. Given that it's for developers and using of webhooks is a very normal use case including others during daily work. I should be able to open up an application (not the workstation itself but the application running on the port) as public.

This has resulted in not even being able to use laravel with vite dev server. The vite dev server tries to make requests to the laravel application to support hot reload and such but since the workstation url requires authentication, the request always returns a 302 with a redirect to another link which is having the authentication requirement so it's basically blocked from access. As seen in the network tab pictures below: enter image description here and enter image description here


  • I'm afraid what you know is already the answer. Based on this documentation which is under the feature of the Cloud Workstation, only default users have access to the workstation created. Sharing also a screenshot below from the said feature.
