Connecting to an Informix Database through Hikari in Java 8 to create a connection pool I run into the following error message:
10:22:44.180 [main] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase - HikariPool-1 - Driver does not support get/set network timeout for connections. (Method not supported : IfxSqliConnect.getNetworkTimeout())
These are the Maven Dependencies:
This is the function used to configure the data source:
private static HikariDataSource ConfigurarDataSource() {
HikariConfig configuracio = new HikariConfig();
configuracio.setConnectionTimeout(30000); /* 30 segons */
configuracio.setIdleTimeout(150000); /* 2.5 minuts */
configuracio.setMaxLifetime(300000); /* 5 minuts */
return new HikariDataSource(configuracio);
While not outright affecting the connection, not in any meaningful and perceptible manner at least, I am still concerned about the error.
Does it affect performance? Please help me understand what is the meaning of the error and how can I resolve it? 🥺
Update your Informix JDBC driver to the latest supported version for Java 8
Let me know if worked for you 😉