I'm attempting to use a restlet to render a PDF for a supplied invoice record into the File Cabinet, but I can't find the XML template for the Custom PDF Layout form we are using.
Our PDF Templates folder is empty and the template doesn't appear in Advanced PDF/HTML Templates, where I think it needs to be.
The form appears in Transaction Form PDF Layouts: is there a way to access the template and create a copy in Advanced PDF/HTML Templates, or to refer to it where it currently lives?
Here's my function, but I don't know what value to supply for xmlTemplateFilePath
function createPdf(fileName, invoiceId, folderId) {
const f = file.create({
name: fileName + '.pdf',
fileType: file.Type.PDF,
folder: folderId,
isOnline: true
const xmlTemplateFile = file.load(xmlTemplateFilePath);
const renderer = render.create();
renderer.templateContent = xmlTemplateFile.getContents();
renderer.addRecord('grecord', record.load({
type: record.Type.INVOICE,
id: invoiceId
const invoicePdf = renderer.renderAsPdf();
SOLVED (using @bknights solution)
render.transaction returns a file object, so I was able to simplify that, as well.
function createPdf(fileName, invoiceId, folderId) {
const invoicePdfFile = render.transaction({
entityId: Number(invoiceId),
printMode: render.PrintMode.PDF,
inCustLocale: true
invoicePdfFile.name = fileName + '.pdf';
invoicePdfFile.folder = folderId;
Rendering standard transactions doesn't work with an explicit template like that.
You'd use render.transaction
const invoicePdf = render.transaction({
//formId: form linked to custom pdf template
inCustLocale: true
If you have a specific PDF template you are trying to use you'd have to specify it in a transaction form and then use that form's id for the formId paramter.