i have a big grid with a matrix(3x3) associated at each point. I want a perform a symmetric and skew-symmetric decomposition. I know that the algorithm is
I was checking the linear algebra library in Julia but i cant find this decomposition( i found Qr,LU,SDV,...)
It is available in Julia ( or from an external source) or i have to write it?
Thank you in advance
I want a decomposition in symmetric and anti symmetric part of a matrix. i checked the LinearAlgebra Library from Julia
A straightforward decomposition can be done like this
using StaticArrays
A = randn(SMatrix{3,3,Float64}, 4, 5) # create initial data
Symm = 0.5 .* (A .+ adjoint.(A))
SkewSymm = A .- Symm # or 0.5 .* (A .- adjoint.(A))
I'm using StaticArrays for the 3x3 inner matrices, since this is much more efficient than using regular Matrix