
Expect script frozen when appending output to nohup.out

This is the first time I have done an expect script. In principle it is a simple script


set timeout 200

spawn XXX/bin/PROGRAM

expect "Choose an option ..."
send "1\r"


The program has several options, and I have made 4 similar scripts with them that have not given problems, in addition, in the option that gives problems I also navigate through a series of submenus without problems.

The problem appears at a certain point when the program I have spawned throws the message:

nohup: appending output to 'nohup.out'

The problem always occurs in an expect-send block where the program kills a number of processes.

When I run the program directly from the command line I don't get this problem, so I understand that the problem is related to the output directioning of the process created by spawn, I have tried several ways to solve this but all without success.

How can I make the process created by the expect script behave in the same way as in my terminal and avoid the redirecting to nohup?

Thank you very much.


  • I managed to find a solution and I answer myself.

    The error was indeed in the process that the script created for the program, because as I said it behaved differently (someone commented that this is what happened too).

    To solve it I simply spawned a terminal, and from the terminal I launched the program, so the behaviour is the same.

    set timeout 200
    spawn $env(SHELL)
    match_max 100000
    send -- "XXX/bin/PROGRAM\r"
    expect "Choose an option ..."
    send "1\r"

    I hope this helps if you encounter a similar problem.