I am developing a new Nextjs 14 app router project, using next-i18n-router & react-i18next to handle localization. I followed nextjs documentation and the provided tutorials in localization setup:
I can access locale for client-side components via useTranslation Hook, however in server-side components I get locale in params object only in page components, then I have to make prop-drilling until I reach the target component to access current locale in nested server-side components.
Is there any way to avoid prop-drilling in server-side components to access current locale?
import styles from './page.module.css';
import ExampleClientComponent from '@/components/ExampleClientComponent';
import initTranslations from '../i18n';
export default async function Home({ params: { locale } }) {
const { t } = await initTranslations(locale, ['home']);
return (
<main className={styles.main}>
<ExampleClientComponent />
<ExampleServerComponent locale={locale}/>
import styles from './page.module.css';
import ExampleClientComponent from '@/components/ExampleClientComponent';
import initTranslations from '../i18n';
export default async function Home({ params: { locale } }) {
const { t } = await initTranslations(locale, ['home']);
return (
<main className={styles.main}>
<ExampleClientComponent />
<ExampleServerComponent /> // To have a way to get access to locale without passing it as prop
Here is the example server-side component without passing local as prop:
import initTranslations from '../i18n';
import { headers } from "next/headers";
export default async function ExampleServerComponent() {
const reqHeaders = headers();
const cookie = reqHeaders.get("Cookie");
local = cookie?.split("NEXT_LOCALE=").at(1)?.substring(0, 2); // "en" | "ar";
const { t } = await initTranslations(locale, ['home']);
return (