Im trying to code a board thats 7x7 and I need to set and check the limits of the board, so I made de following function:
lim(X, Y) :-
X =< 7,
X >= 1,
Y =< 7,
Y >= 1.
But it keeps giving me the error "uncaught exception: error(instantiation_error,(=<)/2)".
Does anyone have any idea of how to fix this?
I tried to change to:
lim(X, Y) :-
X < 8,
X > 0,
Y < 8,
Y > 0.
But it gives me the error "uncaught exception: error(instantiation_error,(<)/2)", and I dont know what to do.
I tried to search the error as well and what I saw said that this error ocurs because I do not use the variables X and Y, so I changed it to X -> La and Y -> Ca, this are the variables that I use but the same error appears, so this is the new limit function:
lim(La, Ca) :-
La =< 7,
La >= 1,
Ca =< 7,
Ca >= 1.
For more context the first part of the code is as follows:
% state -> e(AgentLine, AgentColumn, MachineLine, MachineColumn)
inicial_state(e(1, 2, 2, 2)).
final_state(e(_, _, 7, 2)).
obsta(e(6, 1)).
obsta(e(6, 3)).
obsta(e(7, 4)).
obsta(e(4, 4)).
obsta(e(3, 4)).
obsta(e(2, 4)).
obsta(e(6, 7)).
lim(La, Ca) :-
La =< 7,
La >= 1,
Ca =< 7,
Ca >= 1.
equals(A, A).
%state operator -> op(actual_state, operator, next_state, cost)
op(e(La, Ca, Lm, Cm), up, e(Ls, Cs, Lms, Cms), 1) :-
Ls is La + 1.
Just use: between(1, 7, X), between(1, 7, Y). Credits to: brebs