I want to run embedded kafka before all IT test as Tests.Setup from scala object.
So, I have something like
Test / testOptions += Tests.Setup { loader =>
The problem is that it can't be found. I've checked loader.getDefinedPackages
and there is no classes from io.github.
How can I access class from dependency?
If you don't fork (fork := false
), when you add a dependency like
libraryDependencies += "io.github.embeddedkafka" %% "embedded-kafka" % "3.7.0" % Test
to (ordinary) build.sbt
and run tests like sbt test
, then the code similar to yours in build.sbt
should work
Test / testOptions += Tests.Setup { loader =>
val cls = loader.loadClass("io.github.embeddedkafka.EmbeddedKafka$")
val paramCls = loader.loadClass("io.github.embeddedkafka.EmbeddedKafkaConfig")
val inst = cls.getField("MODULE$").get(null)
cls.getDeclaredMethod("start", paramCls).invoke(inst)
If you fork (fork := true
), then indeed, loader.loadClass...
won't work
Note: When forking, the ClassLoader containing the test classes cannot be provided because it is in another JVM. Only use the () => Unit variants in this case.
You can add to project/build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.get-coursier" %% "coursier" % "2.1.9"
and create necessary class loader manually writing in ordinary build.sbt
Test / testOptions += Tests.Setup { loader =>
import coursier._
val files = Fetch()
val classLoader = new java.net.URLClassLoader(
val cls = classLoader.loadClass("io.github.embeddedkafka.EmbeddedKafka$")
val paramCls = classLoader.loadClass("io.github.embeddedkafka.EmbeddedKafkaConfig")
val inst = cls.getField("MODULE$").get(null)
cls.getDeclaredMethod("start", paramCls).invoke(inst)
By the way, you can try to make call directly rather than using reflection
Test / testOptions += Tests.Setup { () =>
In such case
libraryDependencies += "io.github.embeddedkafka" %% "embedded-kafka" % "3.7.0" exclude ("com.github.luben", "zstd-jni")
should be added to project/build.sbt