I am looking for a way that I can modify plots by adding to an existing plot object. For example, I want to add annotations at particular dates in a work plot, but want a standard way of building the base chart, and then "adding" annotations if I decide to later.
It might be easier to show what I want with altair as an example:
import altair as alt
import plotnine as plt
data = pd.DataFrame([
{'x': 0, 'y': 0},
{'x': 2, 'y': 1},
{'x': 3, 'y': 4}
events = pd.DataFrame([
{'x': 1, 'y': 3, 'label': 'the one'}
base = alt.Chart(data).mark_line().encode(
annotate = (
) + alt.Chart(events).mark_rule().encode(
x='x', color=alt.value('red')
# display
base + annotate
makes what I want.
I can also make functions
def make_base_plot(data):
return alt.Chart(data).mark_line().encode(x='x', y='y')
def make_annotations(events):
return (
) + alt.Chart(events).mark_rule().encode(
x='x', color=alt.value('red')
which enables me to plot the base data without annotations, or provide the annotation message later, or edit the events for the audience the plot is intended for.
If I want to do this "all at once" here is how I would create this plot:
import altair as alt
import plotnine as plt
data = pd.DataFrame([
{'x': 0, 'y': 0},
{'x': 2, 'y': 1},
{'x': 3, 'y': 4}
events = pd.DataFrame([
{'x': 1, 'y': 3, 'label': 'the one'}
p9.ggplot(data, p9.aes(x='x', y='y'))
+ p9.geom_line(color='blue')
+ p9.theme_bw()
+ p9.geom_text(mapping=p9.aes(x='x', y='y', label='label'), data=events)
+ p9.geom_vline(mapping=p9.aes(xintercept='x'), data=events, color='red')
However, the two "natural" attempts to decompose this fail:
# This part is fine
base = (
p9.ggplot(data, p9.aes(x='x', y='y'))
+ p9.geom_line(color='blue')
+ p9.theme_bw()
# So is this
annotations = (
p9.ggplot(data, p9.aes(x='x', y='y'))
+ p9.geom_text(mapping=p9.aes(x='x', y='y', label='label'), data=events)
+ p9.geom_vline(mapping=p9.aes(xintercept='x'), data=events, color='red')
# This fails
base + annotations
# Error message
# AttributeError: 'ggplot' object has no attribute '__radd__'
Trying this without annotations
having a p9.ggplot
object to start fails when I try to create the annotations
My question is, how do I decompose the grammar of graphics in plotnine so I can have functions create common components that I can compose, similar to Altair?
I know an alternative is to create a function that has two inputs (data
and events
) and do this in one pass, but that means when creating a template for a graph I have to anticipate all future annotations I want to make, if I want to build from a template of graphs.
Similar to R's ggplot2
(see here) you can use a list to decompose the creation of a plot in multiple parts where each part consists of multiple components or layers:
import plotnine as p9
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame([
{'x': 0, 'y': 0},
{'x': 2, 'y': 1},
{'x': 3, 'y': 4}
events = pd.DataFrame([
{'x': 1, 'y': 3, 'label': 'the one'}
base = (
p9.ggplot(data, p9.aes(x='x', y='y'))
+ p9.geom_line(color='blue')
+ p9.theme_bw()
annotations = [
p9.geom_text(mapping=p9.aes(x='x', y='y', label='label'), data=events),
p9.geom_vline(mapping=p9.aes(xintercept='x'), data=events, color='red')
base + annotations
Hence, you can rewrite your altair
functions using plotnine
like so:
def make_base_plot(data, color = 'blue'):
return (
p9.ggplot(data, p9.aes(x='x', y='y'))
+ p9.geom_line(color=color)
+ p9.theme_bw()
def make_annotations(events, color = 'red'):
return [
p9.geom_text(mapping=p9.aes(x='x', y='y', label='label'), data=events),
p9.geom_vline(mapping=p9.aes(xintercept='x'), data=events, color=color)
make_base_plot(data, 'red') +\
make_annotations(events, 'blue')