
How to change query parameters from Power BI Report for Azure Time Series Insight

I am looking for a way to show live data and data within a specific date range to Power BI Report.

What we tried -

  1. Copied the custom query from TSI
  2. Connected to Power BI
  3. Added query parameters in Power BI Desktop for start and end date.
//create variables for start and end times
start = DateTime.ToText(StartDateTime),
end = DateTime.ToText(EndDateTime),


queryPart1 = "{""storeType"":""WarmStore"",""isSearchSpanRelative"":true,""clientDataType"":""RDX_20200713_Q"",""environmentFqdn"":"""",
queryPart2 = start,
queryPart3 = """,""to"":""",
queryPart4 = end,
queryPart5 = """},",
queryPart6 = """timeSeriesId"":[""edgedevicename"",""sensorname""],""take"":250000}}]}",
//combine individual sections of query into one
    finalQuery = Text.Combine({queryPart1,queryPart2,queryPart3,queryPart4,queryPart5,queryPart6}),
    Source = AzureTimeSeriesInsights.Contents([JsonPayload = finalQuery])
  1. Got the live data on Power BI Desktop after refreshing the queries.
  2. We're also able to get the data for specific date ranges using Edit parameters



  1. It only works when we're using Power BI Desktop, We want to change the query parameters from the published Report.
  2. We've followed the Power BI Video but was not able to see the option for binding the parameter to any column as shown in the image below - image

Question -

Does Power BI support m query parameters for TSI Connector? if not, are there any recommendations from Microsoft to solve the problem mentioned above?


  • Question was asked longtime ago, but hopfully someone find a need for this.

    Look for your report in your workspace and find the semantic model. enter image description here Choose settings: enter image description here Under parameters you can now find and change your variables enter image description here