
How can I find the latest date where a particular query returns no rows in a table?

I have a SQL query:

select max(date) 
    from index_constituents 
    where (opening_closing ='O' 
        and index_code ='buk350n' 
        and issuer = 'cboe') and date = '2024-04-25';
id date issuer index_code opening_closing
1393 2024-04-25 cboe buk350n O
1394 2024-04-25 cboe buk350n O

When I run the same query but for the day before, I get:

select max(date) 
    from index_constituents 
    where (opening_closing ='O' 
        and index_code ='buk350n' 
        and issuer = 'cboe') and date = '2024-04-24';

 id    |   date        |  issuer |  index_code   | opening_closing
 -     |  -            | -       | -             | -
1402   |   2024-04-24  |   cboe  |   buk350n     |   O

When I run

select max(date) 
    from index_constituents 
    where (opening_closing ='O' 
        and index_code ='buk350n' 
        and issuer = 'cboe') and date = '2024-04-23';


So I want to return 2024-04-23

i.e. I want to find the most recent date BEFORE A GIVEN DATE where there is no data when I run my query


  • If you need to find latest date with no record after existing record's date then you can use 1st query:

    "date"-1 latest_unfound_record
    "date" - LEAD(date) OVER (ORDER BY date desc) date_difference_in_days,
    from index_constituents
    ) as temp
    where date_difference_in_days>1
    order by date desc
    LIMIT 1;

    If you need to find latest date before today with no records then use this second query:

    next_date-1 latest
    "date" - COALESCE (LEAD(date) OVER (ORDER BY date), CURRENT_DATE) date_difference_in_days,
    COALESCE (LEAD(date) OVER (ORDER BY date), CURRENT_DATE) AS next_date , 
    from index_constituents where date <= CURRENT_DATE
    ) as temp
    where date_difference_in_days<-1
    order by date desc
    LIMIT 1;