I am currently working through Microsoft's semantic-kernel exercises found here
But am getting the following error when I try to access the Services within the library.
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 1
----> 1 from services import Service
3 # Select a service to use for this notebook (available services: OpenAI, AzureOpenAI, HuggingFace)
4 selectedService = Service.OpenAI
ImportError: cannot import name 'Service' from 'services' (c:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\services\__init__.py)
Has anyone else had a similar issue? It seems the services
library on pypi is something much older and not the one being used here by Microsoft.
It looks like it runs some module services
which you have installed
but there is file services.py
below 02-running-prompts-from-file.ipynb
which you need to copy to folder with your code.
Frankly, services.py has only few lines which you could even put directly in your code
from enum import Enum
class Service(Enum):
OpenAI (str): Represents the OpenAI service.
AzureOpenAI (str): Represents the Azure OpenAI service.
HuggingFace (str): Represents the HuggingFace service.
OpenAI = "openai"
AzureOpenAI = "azureopenai"
HuggingFace = "huggingface"
Or maybe you could even use
selectedService = "openai"
without using file services.py