
What is this generic apple development certificate? What happens if expires?

this certificate is not present in my keychain (at least, so it seems to me).

my app is present both on iOS and Macos

to be clear, I know it is not a "Mac certificate".

someone can help me?

here an image

enter image description here


  • Distribution cert is what you use to sign an app for production in most cases. Development cert is used for building/developing apps and testing.

    First check which cert is being used to sign your ipa

    1. Unzips the ipa which creates a Payload folder unzip -q <your_app>.ipa
    2. Extract contents of the embeded profile to a plist file security cms -D -i Payload/<your_app>.app/embedded.mobileprovision > <your_app>.plist
    3. Get the name of the cert being used /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print Name" <your_app>.plist
    4. Can also get the expiration date /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print ExpirationDate" <your_app>.plist

    Depending on the outcome of above, can decide whether the Development cert is needed or not.

    how can I discover what happens when it expires?

    You would need to re-sign your ipa if this happens