
How to remove one row of column labels in a gt table?

#Preparing the data and loading packages

df <- mtcars %>% mutate(cyl_ = factor(cyl)) %>% 
  dplyr::select(cyl_, mpg, vs, am, hp, wt)

#Gets table of descriptive statistics about different subsets of the data

print(t1 <- datasummary_balance(~cyl_, 
                          data = df,
                          output = "gt"))

#This hides the "Std. Dev." columns

t1 %>% cols_hide(c(3,5,7))

#Now I want to hide the "Mean" column labels, but I want to keep the "cyl_" value column labels. Any ideas how?

I want something like this:

enter image description here


  • Ugly solution but one could always add cols_label(col_name = "") as a way of making every column name nothing.