
"_func" not being imported even when declared in __all__

I am using Python 2.

I was able to find that __all__ by default does not pass _functions (underscored "internal" functions) when __all__ is not declared (i.e. just using from module import * but without __all__ explicitly defined). However, I'm also seeing that _functions are not passed even if they are added to __all__.

What words am I missing in my question to find the answer to this? Is this a continued "issue" (or expected behavior?) in Python 3?

My example is:

I have a mix of internal and external functions I am creating. Currently my bypass for this issue was to put the _functions (underscored functions, aka "internal functions", renamed without the underscore) into a ._internal_module_folder and then import the ._internal_module_folder into a external_module and add the external functions to the __all__ of external_module but leave out the internal functions.

So my original tree (with the issue) would look something like this:

|---- _internal_module_folder/


  1. modules_folder/_internal_module_folder/ contains:
from ._internal_module import * # Should import _functions from __all__??
  1. modules_folder/_internal_module_folder/ contains:
__all__ = [
    # functions:

    # _functions:

def extl_func1(*args, **kwargs):
def _intl_func1(*args, **kwargs):
  1. modules_folder/ contains:
from .external_module import *
  1. modules_folder/ contains:
from ._internal_module_folder import *
__all__ = [
    # functions:
    'extl_func1', # from _internal_module_folder 

def extl_func2(*args, **kwargs):
def _intl_func2(*args, **kwargs):

When run I get an error that _int_func1 does not exist even though it's in __all__ explicitly:

NameError: name '_intl_func1' is not defined

My solution:

  1. I renamed _intl_func to intl_func
  2. I changed the import in modules_folder/ to
from . import _internal_module as im
  1. I then aliased the internal functions on call
from . import _internal_module_folder as im
__all__ = [
    # functions:
    'extl_func1', # from _internal_module_folder 

# Aliasing the internal module functions to pass to __all__:
extl_func1 = im.extl_func1

def extl_func2(*args, **kwargs):
def _intl_func2(*args, **kwargs):

Is this PEP 8 approved?

Summary: Put _function into __all__ but it wasn't passed on from module import *.


  • This is expected behavior. Internal functions, preceded by an underscore, are given a "weak internal use" indicator, which means they are not passed through __all__, even if explicitly named in __all__.

    This information from PEP 8 (

    The key part of the solution was changing from importing all, i.e.:

    from ._internal_module_folder import *

    to importing the module, with an alias (can also be done without an alias!):

    from . import _internal_module_folder as im # with module aliasing

    Note: When importing the module, it is unnecessary to rename _intl_func1 to intl_func1, as importing the module bypasses __all__.

    However, passing an external function (a function without a preceding underscore) from _internal_module_folder to the __all__ list in is not the preferred method of exposing the external functions, as it can be difficult to find where the error is coming from if a function name is later changed! Imports should be controlled by (per "Dead Simple Python", 2023, Jason C. McDonald, pages 87-88)

    Therefore, modules_folder/ should be changed to include both modules' external functions:

    from .external_module import *
    from ._internal_module_folder import *

    In this case modules_folder/external_module .py should be changed to:

    from . import _internal_module_folder as im
    __all__ = [
        # functions:
        'extl_func2', # Only list the external functions from THIS file
    def extl_func2(*args, **kwargs):
    def _intl_func2(*args, **kwargs):

    Alternatively, the specific internal function can be imported directly in modules_folder/external_module .py, simplifying the _intl_func1 function call:

    from ._internal_module_folder import _intl_func1 # This does not access the __all__ list!
    __all__ = [
        # functions:
    def extl_func2(*args, **kwargs):
    def _intl_func2(*args, **kwargs):