
ld: framework 'Alamofire' not found for visionOS

I am experiencing an issue with building the project for visionOS. The build is working fine on iOS, app is running as expected. But when I try to build it for visionOD (Native) it gives me the error:

ld: framework 'Alamofire' not found

I've tried to comment everything in the code using

#if os(visionOS)

  all the code here...

But with no success. I am clueless at the moment. Any help would be great. I just want to run an empty screen for Apple Vision Pro.


  • The "ld" (load) in your error log is telling you that it's a build config issue around the Alamofire library: wrong target, wrong library version, wrong frameworks path. Perhaps you're using a too-old version of Alamofire? You'll need 5.8.1 or higher, per