
Browser doesn't save cookie

I'm using Go Fiber and it's session middleware for a simple authentication system. Every thing is working except that the browser doesn't save the cookie. my backend is served on and my frontend is on

this the cookie sent by server :

session_id=7bbb86ac-04e7-43b2-8f0a-345d720efa35; max-age=900; domain=; path=/; HttpOnly; secure; SameSite=None

This is my Fiber Session config :

func initSessionStore() *session.Store {
    store := session.New(session.Config{
        CookieHTTPOnly: true,
        Expiration:     time.Minute * 15,
        Storage:        sqlite3.New(),
        CookieSecure:   false,
        CookieSameSite: "None",
        CookieDomain:   "",
        CookiePath:     "/",
    return store

This my cors config:

            AllowOrigins:     os.Getenv("FRONTEND_URL"), // 
            AllowCredentials: true,

What I've already tried:


  • So finally I found out why this didn't work.

    I forgot to use credentials:"include" where the OAuth was landing in the front end, I can't believe I have forgotten that ...