I'm trying to create BLE GATT services on my Raspberry Pi 4 using C++. Have searched for a while but wasn't able to find useful hints/examples.
More details: I'm able to create GATT services and characteristics using commands:
[bluetoothctl] menu gatt
[bluetoothctl] register-service 0xFFFF #
[bluetoothctl] register-characteristic 0xAAAA read,write #
[bluetoothctl] register-application #
and I want to achieve the same using C++ codes.
I have found the definition for void RegisterApplication(object application, dict options)
in https://github.com/Vudentz/BlueZ/blob/master/doc/gatt-api.txt, but it doesn't provide many details. My question is:
For this RegisterApplication function, what should I put for the 'object application' and 'dic options'? Is there any example in the format of
showing how the "params" should be constructed for my service and characteristic (registered using commands) above?
You need to build your BLE GATT service hierarchy in D-Bus and then with the RegisterApplication
tell BlueZ where the top-level of the service is located on D-Bus.
To use D-Bus parlance, the local BlueZ service needs to be created with D-Bus objects and then published. It is the D-Bus object of the published local BlueZ service hierarchy you've created that is the first argument of RegisterApplication
More information at: https://github.com/Kistler-Group/sdbus-cpp/blob/master/docs/using-sdbus-c++.md#using-d-bus-connections-on-the-server-side
You might also want to look at the following project to see how they did it: https://github.com/nettlep/gobbledegook