
Android application consuming WCF/RESTful service

I have a WCF RESTful application I wrote based off of WcfRestContrib and hosting in iis7.5, which passes a pdf as a byte[]. I'm trying to figure out how, and what the best way would be, to consume this service in an Android application. I believe I took care of all the Java/WCF interop issues because the service is used by an outside company that uses java. But I don't see to many examples out there. I've read that I'm going to have to make a method that passes JSON instead XML, but otherwise I believe it should be usable for an Android app. I'm not seeing too many examples of Android apps that consume RESTful services, is this not the preferred method for Android?

I seen a couple articles ( but most seem kind of old, though they still may be useful. I'm just curious how any experts out there would suggest I handle such a project, I can create another kind of service if need be. I just want to be able to load pdf's from a service based on some parameters. Security is a concern, but not mandatory at this stage. Service currently uses basic auth and is on a https.

Any thoughts? Suggestions?


  • While also adressing your security concernt, you could use an HttpsURLConnection and then use getInputStream() from that to put it in a bytearray using read().