
can't find docker-compose.yaml file in .ddev directory

I installed the latest ddev version (1.23.0) for developing my laravel project. I want to have a remote access through ssh to my vs code. For that reason, I suppose to have "docker-compose.yaml" file inside the .ddev directory. However, I haven't see anything like "docker-compose.yaml" file in the related directory (even if I ran command like ls -a to show every file and directory inside that directory).

I did 'ddev poweroff', followed by 'ddev config' to reconfigure it and then 'ddev start' but found no luck to find this file. I even remove the .ddev directory from my root directory of my project and reconfigure it, still haven't found it. I ran "ddev logs" to see if there is any irregularities on my ddev configuration but haven't found any issues.

My question is:


  • Most people use the vscode-ddev-manager extension with DDEV and vscode. Please give that a try and see how it works for you. The maintainer there does a fantastic job of responding to issues, so creating issues there is a great way to get support.

    With DDEV the docker-compose configuration is generated, and it's in .ddev/.ddev-docker-compose-base.yaml, which is expanded to .ddev/.ddev-docker-compose-full.yaml (both hidden files on macOS and Linux).

    Neither of those is intended to be something you have to look at.

    DDEV's configuration is done with .ddev/config.yaml.

    Setting up vscode (on the Windows side) on WSL2 isn't hard, but it's complicated because of the many layers. Some of the steps especially for debugging are in docs.