
How to remove main keyboard markup in telegram bot

I wanna remove ReplyKeyboardMarkup instance and show InlineKeyboardMarkup instead, but I just can't do this by simple way as reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove() because there is inserting new InlineKeyboardMarkup instance in code below

async def send_random_photo(message: Message):
    await bot.send_photo(,
        caption="Do you like this photo?)",

How can I remove a ReplyKeyboardMarkup and then add an InlineKeyboardMarkup?


  • Here's a possible straight forward approach.

    (Edited) You can remove the Keyboard with ReplyKeyboardRemove. But, you'll have to send an additional message to do that. So, send the initial placeholder message, something like "Here's a photo", along with the ReplyKeyboardRemove reply markup. And then, send the actual photo message with the inline reply markup.

    I'm not familiar with Python, but if I'm correct, code will be something like:

    async def send_random_photo(message: Message):
        # Sending the initial message with ReplyKeyboardRemove
        await bot.sendMessage(
            text="Here's a photo",
        await bot.send_photo(
            caption="Do you like this photo?",

    Just an additional info.

    If you want to send ReplyKeyboardMarkup such a way that whenever a button is pressed it should be immediately removed, you can set the one_time property on ReplyKeyboardMarkup to True. Check the documentation for ReplyKeyboardMarkup.one_time. If that's the case, you don't have to send ReplyKeyboardRemove along with the photo message, instead you can simply attach the photo_inline_keyboard itself.

    Hope this helps!