I'm having trouble integrating the GMP library into my CMake project. Specifically, I'm struggling to configure CMake to automatically download and include GMP using FetchContent_Declare. I'm unsure about the necessary CMake configurations and whether additional steps like compilation or building are required for GMP.
To learn I am making a cryptography library in C++. Recently I implemented ECC/ECDSA using a small multi-precision library called InfInt. Which worked to make sure my logic worked, but it is quite slow. Using a profiler Tracy I found the bottleneck was the division arithmetic in InfInt, so I am trying to replace InfInt with GMP.
I have used GMP in the past by building it with MSYS2 and linking to it in my other projects. But since this library is open-source and I would hate if people download my library and can't just use it out of the box, I want to use CMake to seamlessly compile and link GMP.
But when I try to use CMake's FetchContent_Declare in a similar way I have used it for another library called googletest I get this error:
[build] LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'gmp.lib' [C:\Projects\CryptoLibrary\build\tests\tests.vcxproj]
[proc] The command: "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.EXE" --build c:/Projects/CryptoLibrary/build --config Debug --target ALL_BUILD -j 14 -- exited with code: 1
[driver] Build completed: 00:00:07.522
[build] Build finished with exit code 1
I suspect the problem is that I am not properly telling CMake what the GMP library is, so it cannot compile the gmp.lib
file like I was able to for google test and infint. But this is where I am clueless on where to continue to try to solve this if this even is the problem.
To develop my library I am using Visual Studio Code, I have been compiling my project using C++11 MSVC, but I am not partial to these, this is just what has worked so far. As I mentioned above I am using CMake's FetchContent_Declare to retrieve googletest, but I followed a tutorial for.
Simple file system
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── src/
│ ├── ecc/
│ │ ├── ecc.cpp
│ │ ├── ecc.h
│ │ ├── standardCurves.h
│ │ └── ecdsa/
│ │ └── ecdsa.cpp
│ └── ...
├── include/
│ ├── CryptoLibrary/
│ │ ├── ecdsa.h
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
├── tests/
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── eccTests.cpp
│ ├── ecdsaTests.cpp
│ └── ...
├── external/
│ └── infint/
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── infint.h
│ └── main.cpp
├── build/
│ └── ...
└── .vscode/
└── ...
Here is also a simplified version of my Root CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16.3)
set (Project_Name CryptographyLibrary)
project (${Project_Name} VERSION 0.3.1 LANGUAGES C CXX)
enable_testing ()
URL https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/03597a01ee50ed33e9dfd640b249b4be3799d395.zip
URL https://gmplib.org/download/gmp/gmp-6.3.0.tar.lz
set (Sources
set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
add_library (${Project_Name} STATIC ${Sources})
# Specify the directories where header files are located
target_include_directories(${Project_Name} PUBLIC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
target_include_directories(${Project_Name} PRIVATE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/external)
target_include_directories(${Project_Name} PRIVATE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/tools)
target_link_libraries(${Project_Name} PRIVATE gtest_main)
target_link_libraries(${Project_Name} PRIVATE gmp)
And here are the two CMakeLists.txt inside my tests/ and external/infint/ directories: tests/CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16.3)
set (This tests)
set (Sources
add_executable (${This} ${Sources})
target_link_libraries (${This} PRIVATE
add_test (
NAME ${This}
set (This infint)
add_library(${This} STATIC main.cpp)
target_link_libraries (${This} PRIVATE CryptographyLibrary)
target_include_directories(${This} PUBLIC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR})
You may have noticed I am not using FetchContent_Declare to get InfInt. This is because it is a small two file library, and never planned to use it when I merge to main. So I just bundled it and add the executable to my project using CMake. This is not something that I believe would be a good solution to also include GMP.
I included what I thought would be useful for context here, but let me know if there are any other parts that would be useful to see to help me solve this.
Using FetchContent_Declare in root CMakeLists.txt
This is the approach that is shown in the project overview
above. I initially attempted to use CMake's FetchContent_Declare to fetch and include the GMP library directly into my project. This approach involved specifying the GMP library URL and adding it as a dependency in my root CMakeLists.txt file.
Manual Installation of GMP
As an alternative, I considered manually bundleing a trimmed version of the GMP library in the library and then linking it to our project. But I quickly found out how large the GMP library is, so it would add a lot of code to my library.
Using ExternalProject_Add in root CMakeLists.txt
Another approach I considered was using CMake's ExternalProject_Add to download, build, and install the GMP library as an external project during the build process of our library. This approach I didn't dig to much into because it seemed similar to FetchContenct_Declare, and I prefered using FetchContent_Declare. But if I am missing something that would make this approach better I am not dismissing it.
Using CMake's find_package
I followed this stackoverflow question, but as someone would need to install GMP on their computer and follow the configuration to compile GMP themselves this is not an ideal solution.
The most ideal outcome would be a seamless integration of GMP into the project via CMake, where developers can simply include the library without needing to manually download, configure, or link against GMP, streamlining the development process and reducing potential errors or compatibility issues.
How I envision others using the library, and how I have used the library in demonstrations is also using CMakes FetchContent_Declare for my library from GitHub. Once they do that then they can just do #include <CryptographyLibrary/*.h>
and it just works.
Just something I noticed while looking at the actual repo of the GMP library that I downloaded to my computer. I could not find the gmp.h
file in the repo, but I could only find the gmpxx.h
I am not dead set on only using GMP, or only solving this problem with FetchContent_Declare from CMake. But I am dead set on using CMake. So if you know another optimized Multi-precision library that I could use for the purpose of cryptography (which has its own special security considerations) then I am very open to looking into those!
I have also attempted to use another library ctbignum but had problems switching my build system to use C++20 gcc which seems required for ctbignum and would limit where and how my library can be used.
Thanks to those who gave me suggestions
To do this I discovered two things:
First off, GMP as I found out does not compile easily on Windows devices (which I am working from). That is where the MPIR library comes in. As I understand it the MPIR library is a fork of GMP which is easier to build on Windows because it has Visual Studio solution you can run. If I wanted to use GMP I would have needed to use the MSYS2 shell, which I have, but would need to find a way to have CMake interface with that to build it. So using MPIR was easier for me. In actuality I'm using a fork of the MPIR, so a fork of a fork. This fork I am using has a CMake tar of MPIR that I could use instead of making my own.
Second, I used the ExternalProject_Add from CMake instead of FetchContent_Declare, I'm sure there is a way to do this with FetchContent_Declare, this was just easier for me. I ended up using ExternalProject_Add as it allowed me to more easily set environment variables and arguments for MPIR.
For those looking to do something similar, here is what I added to my root CMakeLists.txt, but this can also be easily added to a subdirectory CMakeLists.txt:
set (Project_Name library)
project (${Project_Name} VERSION 0.3.1 LANGUAGES C CXX)
# Include MPIR library
set(prefix "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/deps")
set(MPIR_INCLUDE_DIR "${prefix}/include")
PREFIX "${prefix}"
DOWNLOAD_NAME mpir-cmake.tar.gz
URL https://github.com/chfast/mpir/archive/cmake.tar.gz
URL_HASH SHA256=d32ea73cb2d8115a8e59b244f96f29bad7ff03367162b660bae6495826811e06
# Specify the directories where header files are located
target_include_directories(${Project_Name} PRIVATE ${MPIR_INCLUDE_DIR})
# Link MPIR library
add_dependencies(${Project_Name} mpir)
target_link_libraries(${Project_Name} PRIVATE ${MPIR_LIBRARY})
That was it. Now anywhere I need GMP I can include the gmp header #include <gmp.h>
and it just works.
No need for packet managers, and if someone downloads my library CMake will automagically download, compile and link the GMP library.