I have a code like this =>
return next.handle(req).pipe(
map((response: any) => {
if ( req.method !== "GET" && response instanceof HttpResponse && response.status === 200) {
return response;
I want to show only one alert in multiple deletion. In the current scenario, one alert is shown per deleted item on the page, so this means a mess when 10 items are deleted.
I tried to solve by creating a boolean variable but it didn't work.
EDIT: my component =>
multipleDeleteCategory() {
const selectedCategories = this.myForm.value.selectedCategory;
if (selectedCategories && selectedCategories.length > 0) {
selectedCategories.forEach((category: Category) => {
this.categoryService.deleteCategory(category.id).subscribe(() => {
this.categories = this.categories.filter(cat => cat.id !== category.id);
Alert Service =>
public showSuccessAlert(): void {
this.toastrService.success('Your transaction has been completed', 'Success:', this.getAlert()); }
I think you need to use this method findDuplicate
to check if the message already exists, if it does not, then show the popup!
you code
public showSuccessAlert(): void {
if(!this.toastrService.findDuplicate('Your transaction has been completed', 'Success:', false, true)) {
this.toastrService.success('Your transaction has been completed', 'Success:', this.getAlert());
Below example, clicking success multiple times, will not work, if there is already a popup open!
* Determines if toast message is already shown
findDuplicate(title = '', message = '', resetOnDuplicate: boolean, countDuplicates: boolean) {
const { includeTitleDuplicates } = this.toastrConfig;
for (const toast of this.toasts) {
const hasDuplicateTitle = includeTitleDuplicates && toast.title === title;
if ((!includeTitleDuplicates || hasDuplicateTitle) && toast.message === message) {
toast.toastRef.onDuplicate(resetOnDuplicate, countDuplicates);
return toast;
return null;