I am trying to find every message that contains "Hello team , here is a new report task:" text in a website and hover them one by one to be able to click another button.
page.get_by_role("treeitem", name="reports-development").locator("div").first.click()
# page.get_by_text(re.compile("Hello team , here is a new report task:")).hover()
text_pattern = re.compile(r"Hello team , here is a new report task:")
elements = page.locator(f'text="{text_pattern.pattern}"')
# count = elements.count()
# for i in range(count):
# elements.nth(i).hover()
# page.get_by_label("Add reaction…").click()
# page.get_by_role("gridcell", name="+1 emoji").click()
# page.wait_for_timeout(5000) # Wait for 5 seconds
I have tried to iterate it as a locator element first but it didn't work, then tried to use the nth() method but it didn't work too.
How can I iterate the messages I find? I'll have multiple messages on the screen so I have to do the action one by one and to every message I found.
Hope this will be helpful for you.
from playwright.sync_api import Page
# Assuming 'page' is your Playwright Page object
# Find all elements containing the specified text
text_pattern = re.compile(r"Hello team , here is a new report task:")
elements = page.locator(f'text="{text_pattern.pattern}"')
# Iterate over each element and hover over it
for element in elements: