
Running LISP on the APS Design API

I have several (AutoCAD) LISP scripts running locally with accoreconsole.exe I have tested some tutorials (.NET) with VS Code (APS extension) with success on APS Design API. I couldn't find somebody's else sample about running LISP files on API. As I am new to AutoCAD (but with vast experience from other CAD software), I am struggling creating a proper manifest (PackageContents.xml) All my combinations returned as timeouts from workitem output or no output. Question is: what is the minimum needed to "Hello World" from LISP script on APS Design API?

Many unsuccessful combinations

I made this trick. It looks like my uploaded bundle is nowhere.

    [04/20/2024 13:57:21] Job information:
  "CommandLine": [
    "$(engine.path)\\\\accoreconsole.exe  /al \"$(appbundles[Tiles].path)\" /i \"$(args[input_file].path)\" /s \"$(args[script].path)\""
  "Settings": {
    "dasOpenNetwork": {
      "value": "true",
      "isEnvironmentVariable": true
  "Id": "ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14",
  "ActivityId": "fossapp.tiles_function+current_run",
  "EngineId": "Autodesk.AutoCAD_24_3!38",
  "Apps": [
  "BoundArguments": {
    "input_file": {
      "localName": "empty.dwg",
      "url": "",
      "verb": "get"
    "output_file": {
      "localName": "empty.dwg",
      "url": "",
      "verb": "get"
    "script": {
      "localName": "start.scr",
      "url": "",
      "verb": "get"
  "Quotas": {
    "limitProcessingTimeSec": 100,
    "limitTotalUncompressedAppsSizeInMB": 500
[04/20/2024 13:57:21] Starting work item ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14
[04/20/2024 13:57:21] Start download phase.
[04/20/2024 13:57:21] Start downloading input: verb - 'Get', url - ''
[04/20/2024 13:57:21] Start downloading input: verb - 'Get', url - ''
[04/20/2024 13:57:21] Start downloading input: verb - 'Get', url - ''
[04/20/2024 13:57:22] End downloading file. Source=,LocalFile=T:\Aces\Jobs\ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14\empty.dwg,BytesDownloaded=16449,Duration=1101ms
[04/20/2024 13:57:22] End downloading file. Source=,LocalFile=T:\Aces\Jobs\ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14\empty.dwg,BytesDownloaded=16449,Duration=1167ms
[04/20/2024 13:57:23] End downloading file. Source=,LocalFile=T:\Aces\Jobs\ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14\start.scr,BytesDownloaded=427,Duration=1689ms
[04/20/2024 13:57:23] End download phase successfully.
[04/20/2024 13:57:23] Start preparing script and command line parameters.
[04/20/2024 13:57:23] Command line: [  /al "T:\Aces\Applications\56ff0cbe334d8d66b36dadc387a1dfe5.fossapp.Tiles[2].package" /i "T:\Aces\Jobs\ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14\empty.dwg" /s "T:\Aces\Jobs\ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14\start.scr"]
[04/20/2024 13:57:23] End preparing script and command line parameters.
[04/20/2024 13:57:24] Start script phase.
[04/20/2024 13:57:24] Start AutoCAD Core Engine standard output dump.
[04/20/2024 13:57:24] Redirect stdout (file: T:\Aces\Jobs\ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14\tmp\accc34362).
[04/20/2024 13:57:24] AcCoreConsole: StdOutConsoleMode: processed-output: disabled,auto
[04/20/2024 13:57:24] AutoCAD Core Engine Console - Copyright 2023 Autodesk, Inc.  All rights reserved. (U.61.Z.174)
[04/20/2024 13:57:24] Execution Path:
[04/20/2024 13:57:24] T:\Aces\AcesRoot\24.3\coreEngine\Exe\accoreconsole.exe
[04/20/2024 13:57:24] Current Directory: T:\Aces\Jobs\ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14
[04/20/2024 13:57:24] Isolating to regkey=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\AppDataLow\Software\Autodesk\CoreUser\WorkItem_ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14, userDataFolder=T:\Aces\Jobs\ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14\userdata.
[04/20/2024 13:57:24] Version Number: U.61.Z.174 (UNICODE)
[04/20/2024 13:57:24] LogFilePath has been set to the working folder.
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] Regenerating model.
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] Command:
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] Command:
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] Command:
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] Command: (defun c:listFiles ()
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] (_>   (setq dir "./")  ; Sets the directory to the current directory
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] (_>   (setq files (vl-directory-files dir "*.*" 0))  ; Retrieve all files in the directory
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] (_>   (if files
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] ((_>     (foreach file files  ; Loop through each file
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] (((_>       (princ (strcat "\n" file))  ; Print each file name
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] (((_>     )
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] ((_>     (princ "\nNo files found in the directory.")  ; If no files are found
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] ((_>   )
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] (_>   (princ)  ; Clean exit
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] (_> )
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] C:LISTFILES
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] Command:
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] _HELP
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] Command: listFiles
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] .
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] ..
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14.log
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14_Job.das
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] empty.dwg
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] start.scr
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] tmp
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] userdata
[04/20/2024 13:57:25] Command:
[04/20/2024 13:57:26] End AutoCAD Core Engine standard output dump.
[04/20/2024 13:57:26] End script phase.
[04/20/2024 13:57:26] Start upload phase.
[04/20/2024 13:57:26] End upload phase successfully.
[04/20/2024 13:57:26] Job finished with result Succeeded
[04/20/2024 13:57:26] Job Status:
  "status": "success",
  "reportUrl": "",
  "activityId": "fossapp.tiles_function+current_run",
  "stats": {
    "timeQueued": "2024-04-20T13:57:21.1790865Z",
    "timeDownloadStarted": "2024-04-20T13:57:21.3155466Z",
    "timeInstructionsStarted": "2024-04-20T13:57:23.1039712Z",
    "timeInstructionsEnded": "2024-04-20T13:57:26.3474295Z",
    "timeUploadEnded": "2024-04-20T13:57:26.3478875Z",
    "bytesDownloaded": 33325
  "id": "ec72d663c37947b9891550f1764f2a14"


  • Here's an example of the bundle structure:

    Let's say you have bundle of this structure.

        │   PackageContents.xml


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <ApplicationPackage SchemaVersion="1.0"
                        Name="Autolisp Testing"
                        Description="A sample app to test Autolisp scripts"
                        Author="Autodesk, Inc."
                        AppVersion="1.0.0" >
      <CompanyDetails Name="Autodesk, Inc."
        <RuntimeRequirements SupportPath="./Contents"
        <ComponentEntry ModuleName="./Contents/Hello.lsp"
                        AppDescription="A sample lisp app for Design Automation for AutoCAD">


    (defun c:hello ( / msg)
      (setq msg (getstring T "\nEnter a message: "))
      (alert msg)
    (prompt "\nAutoLISP hello file loaded.")
    (princ) ; Suppress the return value of the prompt function.


        "commandLine": [
            "$(engine.path)\\accoreconsole.exe /i \"$(args[inputFile].path)\" /al \"$(appbundles[AcTestLisp].path)\" /s \"$(settings[script].path)\""
        "parameters": {
            "inputFile": {
                "verb": "get",
                "required": true,
                "localName": "$(HostDwg)"
            "msg": {
                "verb": "read",
                "required": true
        "id": "{{ _.activityId }}",
        "engine": "Autodesk.AutoCAD+24_3",
        "appbundles": [
            "{{ _.client_id }}.AcTestLisp+prod"
        "settings": {
            "script": {
                "value": "(load \"hello.lsp\")\n_HELLO\n$(args[msg].value)\n"


        "activityId": "{{ client_id  }}.{{ activityId  }}+prod",
        "arguments": {
            "inputFile": {
                "url": "",
                "verb": "get"
            "msg": "Hello Autodesk!"

    After uploading the bundle to DA server, running the above workitem for given activity should produce following output in the report.log

    [04/29/2024 11:05:21] Command: (load "hello.lsp")
    [04/29/2024 11:05:21] AutoLISP hello file loaded.
    [04/29/2024 11:05:21] Command: _HELLO
    [04/29/2024 11:05:21] Enter a message: Hello Autodesk!
    [04/29/2024 11:05:21] ************************MessageBox****************************
    [04/29/2024 11:05:21] AutoCAD Message
    [04/29/2024 11:05:21] Hello Autodesk!
    [04/29/2024 11:05:21] >>>Responding: OK.
    [04/29/2024 11:05:21] **************************************************************
    [04/29/2024 11:05:21] nil
    [04/29/2024 11:05:21] Command:
    [04/29/2024 11:05:22] End AutoCAD Core Engine standard output dump.