This is a follow-up question to this one:
Excel Ribbon comboBox: always display current selection and remember selection before saving
I'm trying to set up a comboBox to select sheets.
The "original" code has two issues:
FaneDuru explains all the necessary steps and pieces of code you need to make this work.
Unfortunately, I must be missing something.
The second issue is solved, the workbook now opens with the last selection. The first issue remains: when clicking on a sheets' tab, the comboBox does not refresh yet. I guess I placed the variables used to write/read the Registry in the wrong place? Should they be in a separate module? And is it correct, that RibUI.InvalidateControl "ComboBox001"
is in two places? In "ThisWorkbook" as well as in the Callbacks-module?
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="LoadRibbon">
<tab id="Tabv3.1" label="TOOLS" insertAfterMso="TabHome">
<group id="GroupDemo2"
<comboBox id="ComboBox001"
<item id="ItemOne"
<item id="ItemTwo"
<item id="ItemThree"
--Callback VBA in Module "RibbonCallbacks"
Option Explicit
Public RibUI As IRibbonUI
Public Const myApp As String = "RibbApp", mySett As String = "Settings", myVal As String = "Value"
Sub LoadRibbon(Ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Set RibUI = Ribbon
RibUI.InvalidateControl "ComboBox001"
End Sub
'Callback for ComboBox001 onChange
Sub ComboBox001_OnChange(control As IRibbonControl, id As String)
Select Case id
Case "One"
Case "Two"
Case "Three"
End Select
RibUI.InvalidateControl "ComboBox001"
SaveSetting myApp, mySett, myVal, id
End Sub
'Callback for ComboBox001 getText
Sub ComboBox001_getText(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
Dim comboVal As String
comboVal = GetSetting(myApp, mySett, myVal, "No Value") 'read it from Registry
If comboVal <> "No Value" Then
returnedVal = comboVal
End If
End Sub
--VBA in "ThisWorkbook"
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
RibUI.InvalidateControl "ComboBox001"
End Sub
in Workbook_SheetActivate
event.Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
Dim idx As String
Select Case Sh.Name
Case "Sheet1"
idx = "One"
Case "Sheet2"
idx = "Two"
Case "Sheet3"
idx = "Three"
End Select
SaveSetting myApp, mySett, myVal, idx
RibUI.InvalidateControl "ComboBox001"
End Sub