I have a table of articles, an article can have a parent article. Meaning that a parent article references many child articles. I can't find a way to query for all articles and join their child articles.
Thanks for helping me out.
This is in my schema.ts file:
export const articles = pgTable('articles', {
id: uuid('id').defaultRandom().primaryKey(),
title: varchar('title', { length: 600 }).notNull(),
description: varchar('description'),
parentArticleId: uuid('parent_article_id').references(() => articles.id)
export const childArticlesRelation = relations(articles, ({ many }) => ({
childarticles: many(articles, { relationName: 'childarticles' })
And now I want to query for articles and join their child articles:
where: and(...filter),
with: {
childarticles: true
That gives me:
There is not enough information to infer relation "articles.childarticles"
Which I understand, but I can't find anything in the docs that gives me the correct syntax.
I solved it by adding the proper relationName:
export const articleChildrenRelation = relations(articles, ({ many }) => ({
childarticles: many(articles, { relationName: 'childarticles' })
export const childArticleRelation = relations(articles, ({ one }) => ({
parentArticle: one(articles, {
fields: [articles.parentArticleId],
references: [articles.id],
relationName: 'childarticles'