I have created a UI that works for all options except this one that I am having issues with. This option 3 is meant to print out a package status at a user-inputted time. The funny thing is, option 2 prints out all package statuses at an inputted time and works just fine. See option 2 below:
# Option 2
elif option == "2":
# checkTime = input function and use timedelta for correct format
checkTime = input('Please enter a time in the form "00:00:00"')
hour, minute, second = checkTime.split(":")
rtime = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(hour), minutes=int(minute), seconds=int(second))
# For all packages print status at certain time
for i in range(40):
pack = myHash.search(i + 1)
# At Hub
if rtime < pack.timeLeftHub0:
print('At Hub')
elif rtime == pack.time_delivered:
print('Delivered on Truck ' + str(pack.truck))
elif rtime > pack.time_delivered:
print('Delivered on Truck ' + str(pack.truck))
print('En Route on Truck ' + str(pack.truck))
This works. So for option 3, the only difference should be the following, I thought-
My Hash table is called myHash and the package IDs are the keys. Please know I have used multiple myHash search functions using the package IDs in other areas of the code and it works properly, so that's not the issue. And thus why I am confused why it doesn't want to work here. Here's my code below for option 3:
# Option 3
elif option == "3":
checkPackage = input('Please enter a package using its package ID')
checkTime = input('Please enter a time in the form "00:00:00"')
hour, minute, second = checkTime.split(":")
rtime = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(hour), minutes=int(minute), seconds=int(second))
for package_id in checkPackage:
pack = myHash.search(package_id)
if rtime < pack.timeLeftHub0:
pack.status = 'At Hub'
print(str(pack.package_id) + ' package status at ' + str(rtime) + ' = ' + str(pack.status))
elif rtime == pack.time_delivered:
pack.status = 'Delivered'
print(str(pack.package_id) + ' package status at ' + str(rtime) + ' = ' + str(pack.status))
elif rtime > pack.time_delivered:
pack.status = 'Delivered'
print(str(pack.package_id) + ' package status at ' + str(rtime) + ' = ' + str(pack.status))
pack.status = 'En Route'
print(str(pack.package_id) + ' package status at ' + str(rtime) + ' = ' + str(pack.status))
Here's the outcome I get:
Choose an option (1,2,3, or 4): 3
Please enter a package using its package ID14
Please enter a time in the form "00:00:00"10:00:00
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\alecc\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\Main.py", line 431, in <module>
if rtime < pack.timeLeftHub0:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'timeLeftHub0'
So obviously since option 2 DOES work- the error is I can't get option 3 to read 'pack' as the package object represented by checkPackage input (which is the package ID). I even tried doing the same 'for i in range' method I used in option 2 and instead of range, put checkPackages. Same error
OMG I finally figured it out!
So yes, as I have said, you have to have pack = checkPackage so it reads your input. You CAN get rid of the for loop, but the myHash.search method I was using must have int inside it as you said, Michael, so it reads the input as an integer and not a string, AND it must be up in my input line, not separate:
# Option 3
elif option == "3":
checkPackage = myHash.search(int(input('Please enter a package using its package ID')))
checkTime = input('Please enter a time in the form "00:00:00"')
hour, minute, second = checkTime.split(":")
rtime = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(hour), minutes=int(minute), seconds=int(second))
pack = checkPackage