
Unable to build react native app on ios due to flipperkit

I am using React Native (0.73.2) and the app builds for android without issue. I am now at a stage where I am trying to test and build for ios however the build fails and this is the only information I have:

The following build commands failed:
        CompileC /Users/user257599/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/###-cagfttfeertkgidamqciuaveliuz/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /Users/user257599/Documents/###/###/ios/Pods/FlipperKit/iOS/FlipperKit/ normal arm64 objective-c++ (in target 'FlipperKit' from project 'Pods')
(1 failure)

I really have no idea where to go from here. I have tried running pod update with no success


  • You can simply comment the :flipper_configuration => flipper_config like this

        :path => config[:reactNativePath],
        # Enables Flipper.
        # Note that if you have use_frameworks! enabled, Flipper will not work and
        # you should disable the next line.
        # :flipper_configuration => flipper_config,
        # An absolute path to your application root.
        :app_path => "#{Pod::Config.instance.installation_root}/.."

    after that run pod update inside ios folder.