
Flutter dependency

Target of URI doesn't exist: 'package:freerasp/talsec_app.dart'.

I am trying to create the file referenced by the URI, or try using a URI for a file that does exist.darturi_does_not_exist

Library package: freerasp/talsec_app.dart

Package: freerasp/talsec_app.dart


  • The issue is due to missing package. To troubleshoot the error, properly add the package to the project. Follow the below steps:

    Mostly two ways to add package to project:

    1. Using the terminal

       flutter pub add freerasp

    and Add a corresponding import statement in the Dart code.

    1. Using command palette in VS code

    ctrl+shift+p (for Windows users)

    Cmd+Shift+P (for Mac users)

    and search for " Dart : Add Dependency " option. Then enter package name and hit enter.

    Now, Successfully the package is added.

    If still the error persists, then run following commands:

    flutter clean
    flutter pub get
    flutter pub upgrade    //(Run if need to upgrade packages)

    and restart the code editor.

    source : https://docs.flutter.dev/packages-and-plugins/using-packages