
Doxygen inherit some of the arguments in another function

I am surprised that Doxygen seems unable to inherit function arguments from another documented function. Say I've already documented f:

 * Add them
 * Add them
 * @param a  An integer.
 * @param b  An integer.
 * @param c  An integer.
 * @return  Return the sum.
int f(int a, int b, int c) { return a + b + c; }

Now I want to document another function with the same a and b from f. Using roxygen2 for documenting C++ function exposed through Rcpp module, I can write the following:

 * Do something
 * Do something
 * @inheritParams f
 * @param d  A double
 * @return  Return the result.
double g(int a, int b, double d} { return (a + b) * d; }

The above code will inherit the description of a and b from f.

I have so many functions whose arguments are more or less the same. Copying and pasting the parameter description is quite daunting. How to achieve function parameter inheritance in Doxygen in 2024?

Thank you!


  • The @copydoc has as disadvantage that it will copy not only all parameters, resulting in a warning for parameter c, but also the brief and detailed description etc. (see the function g below) Doxygen is lacking, at the moment, a @copyparam command, but with the \snippet{doc} command there are some possibilities as shown in the example below (result in function g1).

    It all has been tested with the current doxygen version 1.10.0 (due to a problem in doxygen 1.10.0 the construct @snippet{doc} this f_p is not possible and hence the explicit file name in @snippet{doc} aa.h f_p)

    /// \file
     * Add them
     * Add them
     * \noop [f_p]
       @param a  An integer.
       @param b  An integer.
       \noop [f_p]
     * @param c  An integer.
     * @return  Return the sum.
    int f(int a, int b, int c) { return a + b + c; }
     * Do something
     * Do something
     * @copydoc f
     * @param d  A double
     * @return  Return the result.
    double g(int a, int b, double d) { return (a + b) * d; }
     * Do something
     * Do something
     * @snippet{doc} aa.h f_p
     * @param d  A double
     * @return  Return the result.
    double g1(int a, int b, double d) { return (a + b) * d; }


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