I am using the excellent nlohmann::json
library. I can see that it has an option for disabling implicit conversion which is recommended.
First I tried to set this option via:
set(JSON_ImplicitConversions OFF)
find_package(nlohmann_json 3.10.3 REQUIRED)
But that did not seem to have any effect. I then tried using fetch_content
set(JSON_ImplicitConversions OFF)
GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/nlohmann/json
GIT_TAG v3.11.3
And this gave the required effect. I much prefer the find_package
. Am I using it wrong? Is it not possible to set options in this way with find_package
is the option used when build the library. find_package
locates the library which is already built and installed. So setting build options for find_package
is useless.
That build option affects on the setting macro JSON_USE_IMPLICIT_CONVERSIONS
for the consumer of the library. You may set this macro manually for the imported target, created by find_package
find_package(nlohmann_json 3.10.3 REQUIRED)
# For the case the macro is already set in the target's compile definitions
# we need to remove that setting. Otherwise it will conflict with our one.
# Extract current value of the property (as list)
get_target_property(prop_value nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS)
# Remove unneeded elements
# Put resulting list back to the property
set_property(TARGET nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json PROPERTY INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${prop_value})
target_compile_definitions(nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json INTERFACE