I'm using Lightningchart (v5+) to display a real-time XY chart of an EEG signal. Everything works exactly like I expected, but I can't find a way to hide the date displayed beneath the chart.
const dateOrigin = new Date();
chart.getDefaultAxisX().setTickStrategy(AxisTickStrategies.DateTime, (tickStrategy) => {
return tickStrategy
{ hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric', hour12: false },
(x) => 'minor'
} )
The data displayed looks something like:
x: 1714734098, // Epoch Timestamp,
y: 0.5 //voltage
I tried using AxisTickStrategies.Time. That one hides the label beneath, but that strategy does not provide the extensive formatting options AxisTickStrategies.DateTime gives me. The X value displays an unformatted Unix timestamp using this strategy, which I don't want.
I have to set some sort of origin to be able to draw properly.
Is there some kind of method / flag or styling option available to hide the date beneath the chart? I can't find anything in the docs.
I'm not allowed to place images here yet (first post) but it's the date that's displayed right under the chart in a seperate label.
axis.setTickStrategy(AxisTickStrategies.DateTime, ticks => ticks
Listed under Features > Axis > Date-Time Axis