
Jasper Report group variable sum returns incorrect value

In my report produced with Tibco Jaspersoft 6.3 I am facing a strange issue. I have a datasource as follows:

order_number - fiscal code - price - region_id

records can have the same order_number, as follows:

1 - xxyyzz - 10$ - 001

1 - mmnnxx - 5$  - 001

2 - kkhhff - 6$  - 001

3 - ppookk - 7$  - 001

1 - aayyzz - 10$ - 002

2 - llnnxx - 5$  - 002

2 - oohhff - 6$  - 002

2 - vvookk - 7$  - 002

for each group of records with the same order_number, I have a variable that calculates a value called ticket_value with an expression. This calculation works correctly, I see the right values for each order_number.

I have sum variables for price and ticket_value based on region.

I've created two groups, one for the region_id and one for order_number. I perform the calculation of the single ticket_value in footer of order_number group and the sums of prices and ticket_values for each region in the region_id footer.

The price sum value is correct for each region_id, but I don't have the correct value of the sum of ticket_value for each region_id and I don't understand where is the error in the variables configuration.

Here is the definition of variables used:

<variable name="ticket_somma_numero_ordine" class="java.lang.Double" resetType="Group" resetGroup="Gruppo_NUMERO_ORDINE">
        <variableExpression><![CDATA[$V{totale_importo_numero_ordine}.compareTo(new BigDecimal(36.15)) > 0 ? 36.15 : $V{totale_importo_numero_ordine}.doubleValue()]]></variableExpression>
    <variable name="sommatoria_ticket" class="java.lang.Double" resetType="Group" resetGroup="Gruppo_REGIONE" incrementType="Group" incrementGroup="Gruppo_NUMERO_ORDINE">
        <variableExpression><![CDATA[$V{sommatoria_ticket} + $V{ticket_somma_numero_ordine}]]></variableExpression>


I've noticed that the sum variable sommatoria_ticket is wrong with this logic: looking at data example above, there are two records with order_number = 1 for the region_id = 1; in that case the value of sommatoria_ticket is doubled; if the records are 3, the value is x3...

It seems that the ticket_value calculation is shown just once per subgroup but it is taken for each row of the subgroup when the sommatoria_ticket variable is calculated.

I've tried to change increment type and reset type of variables, and also the evaluation time of the text fields, but the issue is not solved


  • I've solved it on my own this way: