
Add nested fields to a JSON using Circe


How can I add fields to a Json object if the field is nested?

This is similar to this forum: Adding field to a JSON using Circe

but instead of:

  ExistingField: {},
  "Newfield" : {}

my end goal is something like:

  ExistingField: {},
  "A" : {
    "B" : {
      "C" : "myStringValue"
  "AA" : {
    "BB" : "myStringValue" 


I have a list of nested fields of type String that I would like to iterate through and add.
Instead of them being nested, I just got:

  ExistingField: {},
  "A.B.C" : "myStringValue"

my list of fields look like:

val listOfFields: List[String] = List("A.B.C", "AA.BB")

EDIT: What if the added field is an array? for example:

  ExistingField: {},
  "A" : {
    "B" : {
      "C" : "myStringValue"
  "AA" : {
    "BB" : [
        "CC": "myStringValue"
        "CC": "myStringValue"


  • The recursive function uses pattern matching to convert a list of subfields (from splitting fields by the delimiter) into a nested Json which can then be deepMerged into the original Json. The foldLeft does this repeatedly for each field originally listed.

    import io.circe.generic.auto._
    import io.circe.parser
    import io.circe.syntax._
    import io.circe.Json
    val jsonStr = """{"Fieldalreadythere": {}}"""
    val jsonParse = parser.parse(jsonStr)
    val listOfFields: List[String] = List("A.B.C", "AA.BB")
    val listOfSplitFields = listOfFields.map(_.split("\\.").toList)
    def makeJson(list: List[String]): Json = {
      list match {
        case h :: Nil => Json.fromFields(List((h, Json.fromString("stringValue"))))
        case h :: t => Json.fromFields(List(h -> makeJson(t)))
        case Nil => Json.fromFields(Nil)
    val originalJson = jsonParse match {
           case Right(value) => value.asObject
           case Left(error) => throw error
    val updateJsons = listOfSplitFields.map(makeJson(_))

    Result (of type io.circe.Json):

      "AA" : {
        "BB" : "stringValue"
      "A" : {
        "B" : {
          "C" : "stringValue"
      "Fieldalreadythere" : {