
Automating Grading of Procedural Python Program

Let's assume you want to test basic programming skills of students. For example:

Write a Python module, that

  1. assigns to variable myString the string "$stackoverflow is great",
  2. remove '$' at the beginning
  3. splits it into words
  4. replace the word 'great' with 'awesome'.

Assume each step is 10 points and there is no partial credit. I assume we need to mock print as well.

Students submit a single file, how should we go about testing/marking Can we do this via unittest or pytest? It would be great if we could store the student grade in a dictionary, say student_dict = {'step1':0,'step2':10,'step3':10,'step4':0}

# Step 1: Assign a string to myString
myString = "$stackoverflow is great" 

# Step 2: Remove any non-alphanumeric character at the beginning
myString = myString.lstrip("$")

# Step 3: Split the string into words
words = myString.split()

# Step 4: Replace the word 'great' with 'awesome'
for i in range(len(words)):
    if words[i] == 'great':
        words[i] = 'awesome'

# Print the final result
final_string = ' '.join(words)


  • Adapting from the answer by @chikitin and @Alexey,

    The for loop can be shorten for better readability by:

    for t, s in zip(target_lines, submitted_lines):
        # ...

    For any examples below, assume the following unless otherwise specified:

    target_text = "Hello\nWorld\nPython"
    submitted_text = "Hello\nWorld\nJava"

    No partial credit (full marks or zero points)

    As the question mentioned, there may by no partial credit.

    def compare_text(target, submitted, partial_credit=True):
        total_points = 0
        target_lines = target.split('\n')
        submitted_lines = submitted.split('\n')
        for t, s in zip(target_lines, submitted_lines):
            if t == s:
                total_points += 10
            elif not partial_credit:
                return 0
        return total_points
    # Partially correct
    points = compare_text(target_text, submitted_text, partial_credit=False)
    print("Total points:", points) # Total points: 0
    # Fully correct
    submitted_text = target_text
    points = compare_text(target_text, submitted_text, partial_credit=False)
    print("Total points:", points) # Total points: 30

    Customize point of each step (same points per step)

    You might want to reuse the code for different questions, where every step has the same points, but different questions/assignment may "value" each step at different points.

    Of course, you can specify what is the default points per step (for all questions/assignment. In this case, I have given a default of 10 points per step.

    def compare_text(target, submitted, partial_credit=True, pts=10):
        total_points = 0
        target_lines = target.split('\n')
        submitted_lines = submitted.split('\n')
        for t, s in zip(target_lines, submitted_lines):
            if t == s:
                total_points += pts
            elif not partial_credit:
                return 0
        return total_points
    # Give 5 points per step
    points = compare_text(target_text, submitted_text, pts=5) 
    print("Total points:", points) # Total points: 10
    # When not specified, give 10 points per step
    points = compare_text(target_text, submitted_text)
    print("Total points:", points) # Total points: 20

    Customize point for each step (different points per step)

    You may value different steps different. Some steps may be more "valuable".

    import numbers
    def compare_text(target, submitted, partial_credit=True, pts=10):
        total_points = 0
        target_lines = target.split('\n')
        submitted_lines = submitted.split('\n')
        if isinstance(pts, numbers.Number):
            pts = [pts] * len(submitted_lines)
        elif len(pts) != len(submitted_lines):
            print('Error: Not all steps are assigned points')
            # alternative, use `raise Exception(your_error_message)`
        for t, s, p in zip(target_lines, submitted_lines, pts):
            if t == s:
                total_points += p
            elif not partial_credit:
                return 0         
        return total_points
    # Give 5 points per step
    points = compare_text(target_text, submitted_text, pts=5) 
    print("Total points:", points) # Total points: 10
    # Give 2.5 points per step
    points = compare_text(target_text, submitted_text, pts=2.5) 
    print("Total points:", points) # Total points: 5
    # Step 3 is more important, give more points than step 1 and 2
    points = compare_text(target_text, submitted_text, pts=[5, 5, 10])
    print("Total points:", points) # Total points: 10
    # Forgot to give step 3 some points
    points = compare_text(target_text, submitted_text, pts=[5, 5]) # error: not all steps have points assigned