For context, I found this among XAMPP batch files:
@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "PID_LIST="
for /f "tokens=2" %%V in ('tasklist.exe ^| findstr /i "%1" 2^>NUL') do @set "PID_LIST=!PID_LIST! /PID %%V"
if defined PID_LIST (
taskkill.exe /F %PID_LIST%
) else (
echo Process %1 not running
SetLocal DisableDelayedExpansion
I wish to write a single script to end all tasks related to my webserver. I have a basic understanding of batch, so I have been able to interpret most of what this script does:
) from tasklist
and saves it into a variable, where the task is given by paramater 1
Based on this I came so far:
@echo off
cd /D %~dp0
for /f "tokens=2" %%V in ('tasklist.exe ^| findstr /i "httpd.exe" 2^>NUL') do taskkill.exe /pid /f %%V
for /f "tokens=2" %%V in ('tasklist.exe ^| findstr /i "mysql" 2^>NUL') do taskkill.exe /pid /f %%V
:: etc
But I would ideally collapse this into one for loop. How could I add or
logic to the findstr
I also have a few questions, which I can't find quick answers to anywhere. Can anyone answer these in the comments?
?set "PID_LIST="
, leaving the variable undefined?findstr
: what is the meaning of 2^>NUL
, and why does >
need to be careted?set
command append to the variable with !VARIABLE!
is undefined, in case it has been left defined from some prior operation.2>nul
redirects error messages from the command to nowhere instead of the console. The carets before the redirectors are escape characters, telling the parser that the redirector is part of the immediately-prior command, not of the for
is in effect, !var!
retrieves the current value of the variable, whereas %var%
is replaced by the value of the variable at the time that the code block (parenthesised sequence of lines) was parsed.Tips:
Always use a setlocal
flavour to avoid environment clutter. If setlocal
is used (usually directly after the @echo off
line) then when the batch ends, any changes to the environment are undone, so successive batches will not accumulate changes and the environment state whenever a batch is started will always be the same.
To accomplish the or
you seek, use
findstr /i /c:"httpd.exe" /c:"mysql"
(and you can add any number of /c:"literalstring"
can also be supplied with
findstr /i "httpd.exe mysql"
in this case; the space in the literal meaning string or string
. If you want to target a string that contains a space, use the /c:"this string" /c:"that string"
See findstr /?
from the prompt for more documentation - or see thousands of examples on SO